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Human Resources > Retirement Planning > Retirement Plans - Electronic Enrollment

Retirement Plans - Electronic Enrollment

Retirement Account Enrollment Information

Welcome to the NRAO retirement planning page. The following information will assist you in the enrollment process for the 401a retirement plan (employer contribution) and the 403b tax deferred plan (employee contributions).   Below are links to guide you through the electronic enrollment process with TIAA-CREF and Fidelity. You may choose one or both vendors.

NRAO 401a (Employer Contributions) RETIREMENT OPTIONS

Upon meeting eligibility requirements of the 401a, the NRAO contributes an amount equal to 10% of your base annual pay into an account(s) of your choosing.

401a Summary Plan Description

Getting Started:

  1. Complete the Allocation of Retirement Plan Contributions form, sign, and return to Human Resources.  This form notifies payroll which vendor(s) you have selected. If you choose both vendors, your percentages must total 100%.  It is important for you to print your confirmation sheet from TIAA-CREF and/or Fidelity for your records, and provide a copy, along with the Allocation of Retirement Plan Contributions Form, to the Human Resources office.

2. TIAA-CREF 401a enrollment - http://www.tiaa-cref.org/nrao -

Plan Number: 150469.

3. Fidelity 401a enrollment - http://enrollonline.fidelity.com -

Plan Number: 57501

NRAO 403b (Employee Contributions) RETIREMENT OPTIONS

Regular employees of AUI/NRAO regardless of work schedule are eligible to participate in the 403b tax deferred retirement plan, and may begin participation at any time.   You may contribute any amount to your 403b account up to the maximum annual limit.  For 2013 the annual limit is $17,500.  If you are at least 50 years of age, you are eligible to contribute an additional $5,500 in 2012.

403b Summary Plan Description

Getting Started:

  1. Complete the Agreement for Salary Reduction form, sign, and return to Human Resources.  This form notifies payroll which vendor(s) you have selected and how much to withhold from your paycheck.  If you choose both vendors, your percentages must total 100%.  It is important for you to print your confirmation sheet from TIAA-CREF and/or Fidelity for your records, and provide a copy, along with the Agreement for Salary Reduction, to the Human Resources office.

2. TIAA-CREF 403b enrollment - http://www.tiaa-cref.org/nrao/ -

Plan Number: 150471.

3. Fidelity 403b enrollment - http://enrollonline.fidelity.com -

Plan Number: 82961

If you have any questions, please contact Denise Merricks in the Benefits Office at 434-296-0318.