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Human Resources > Employee Assistance Program

Employee Assistance Program

AUI provides access to its Employee Assistance Program (EAP) at no charge to you. All employees are eligible. The services are also extended to your immediate family members. EAP personal advocates will work with you and your household family members to help you resolve issues you may be facing, connect you with the right mental health professionals, direct you to a variety of helpful resources in your community and more.

What is an EAP?

Contact Information/Resources

Services available

The employee assistance program (EAP) is designed to identify and assist you in resolving personal problems (e.g., mental health, marital, financial; family issues; substance/alcohol abuse; fraud/theft resolution) that may be adversely affecting your performance.

Our plan also includes a wide array of other services, such as nurse advice telephone access, basic legal assistance and referrals, adoption assistance, or assistance finding elder care services.

EAP services provide you with 5 free sessions per issue, per year.

TOLL-FREE: 866-216-1996

Click create new account. Company code is: assocuniv

All One EAP Brochure


Helpful Links:

  •  A complementary component of work life, legal/financial and EAP benefits.
  • Accessed by phone, e-mail, instant message, or website.
  • Available anytime, any day.
  • 24 Hour Hotline with crisis services.
  • Always confidential.
  • No cost to you or your family to use the services.
  • No limit to the number of issues for which you may use the service

*Employment-related legal issues are not covered.



    In accordance with the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 (HIPAA), Reach will follow the guidelines set forth in the Notice of Privacy Practices. As indicated in the Notice of Privacy Practices, Reach will not share any Protected Health Information regarding your involvement with the EAP with anyone, including your employer and your family members, without your prior knowledge and explicit consent. The exception to this is by a court order, the specific instances identified in the Notice of Privacy Practices, or the following situations that are mandated by both Federal and State law based on the professional judgment of your EAP Counselor:   (1) Threat of serious harm to self or others (2) Suspected child or elder abuse or neglect (3) A medical emergency   Ask your counselor to discuss these circumstances if you have any questions about confidentiality. Quality Control Review of the EAP may be conducted by an independent auditor, but personal information will never be disclosed to your employer without your explicit consent. Your use of the EAP is voluntary.


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