Charlottesville Gallery
Children's Christmas Party in Charlottesville, 1972
The Children's Christmas Party in Charlottesville, 1972. Sandy Weinreb is on the left in the light suit, Cam Wade is on the left in the dark suit, Gerrit Verschuur is third from the right at the back. (christmas1972.jpg)
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Basketball in Charlottesville, late 1970s
Over the years, NRAO staff members have participated in a variety of sports, organized in differing degrees from occasional informal games to regular league play: softball, volleyball, golf, bowling, basketball, and even cricket in Socorro in 1980-1981. This photo of basketball in Charlottesville was taken in the late 1970s. Left to right: Martha Haynes, Mort Roberts, and Joanne Nance. (bball1.jpg)
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Ivy Road Building, 1980
From 1974 to 2003 the electronics folks were housed in this building at 2015 Ivy Rd. in Charlottesville. (IvyRdBuilding-July1980-A 3498.jpg)

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Machine Shop, 1980
Matt Dillon, Garnet Taylor, and Lucky Luckado in the Machine Shop, ca. 1980. (machineshop-late70searly80s.jpg)

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Art Shalloway, 1980
Art Shalloway in his office in the Ivy Rd. building in Charlottesville, July 1980. (Shalloway-July1980-A3498_cropped.jpg)

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Walter Brown, 1983
Walter Brown working on the correlator for the GBT. (Brown-1983-84.jpg)

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Phyllis Jackson, 1983
Phyllis Jackson, longtime secretary to NRAO directors, ca. 1983. (Jackson-1983-84.jpg)

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Art Shalloway Retirement, 1983
IThe Ivy Road Gang gather for a late 1983 farewell lunch for retiring Art Shalloway. Left to right: Walter Brown, Vince Summers, Ron Harris, Larry D'Addario, Warren Richardson, Marek Faber, Mike Balister, Kirk Crady, Harry Dill, Monroe Petty, Gene Runion, John Archer, Sandy Weinreb, John Granlund, Art Shalloway, Lucky Luckado, Marian Pospieszalski, Karen Thach, Garnett Taylor (behind Karen), Cathy Burgess, Ray Escoffier, Marshall Crawford, Matt Dillon, Bill Porter. (IR_folks_shalloway-retirement-lunch_1983.jpg)

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Shing Kuo Pan and Neil Horner, 1983
Shing Kuo Pan and Neil Horner in Charlottesville's Central Development Laboratory in August 1983, testing a Superconductor-Insulator-Superconductor (SIS) millimeter-wave mixer for the Tucson 12-m telescope. They are in front of the mixer test setup checking the I-V (current-voltage) curve of the SIS mixer on the oscilloscope. At the low-left corner is the square aluminum mixer test dewar. The mixer dewar is cooled by a 4K closed-cycle, JT/1020 refrigerator. On one side of the dewar, above the green tray at the low-left corner, is the dewar vacuum window (white, circular). On the other side (facing toward Pan and Horner) are three bias/monitor ports. (Pan-Horner-CDL-Aug1993.jpg)

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Biking from Charlottesville to Green Bank, 1984
For many years, Hein Hvatum, long-time NRAO Associate Director and avid bicyclist, organized a group each summer to bicycle the 117 mountainous miles from Charlottesville to Green Bank to attend the annual Green Bank picnic. The group rode to Green Bank on Friday, went to the picnic on Saturday, and many of them then cycled from Green Bank back to Charlottesville on Sunday. In this 1984 photo, riders pause for a break in Monterey VA. Left to right: Bill Cotton, Ed Sieveka, Kurt Riegel, Tom Brookes, Craig Walker, Buddy Martin, Hein Hvatum. (biking_to_gb.jpg)
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Ron Harris, 1985
Measuring a 23 GHz amplifier using a scaler network analyzer for the VLA. (Ron Harris1_feb1985.jpg)

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Ernie Allen, Late 1980s
Ernie Allen in Charlottesville computing, late 1980s. (Allen-late1980s.jpg)

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Charlottesville Group, 1998
Left to right, standing: Bill Cotton, Sheila Marks, Dave Hogg, Jennifer Wiseman, Alan Bridle, Eric Schulman, Barry Turner, Monroe Petty, Mary Jo Hendricks, Tessy Schlemmer, Gail Dodson, Harvey Liszt, Billie Jo Mattox, Richard Simon, Dave Brown, Darrell Schiebel, Bob Garwood, Amy Shepherd. Left to right, front: Don Wells, Mark Swain, Lee King, Jim Condon, Qi-Feng Yin, Mort Roberts, Jeff Uphoff, Pat Murphy. None of the people in this photo can remember what the occasion was! (CV_group-july1998.jpg)

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Gene Runion, 2005
Gene Runion (with “Timeout” at the telescope), NRAO-Charlottesville Open House for the public, October 2005. (OpenHouse-oct2005-PA230026.JPG)
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Edgemont Road and NRAO 50th, 2007
NRAO 50th anniversary banner on Charlottesville’s Edgemont Rd. building, June 2007. All NRAO sites displayed banners for the anniversary year, 2006-2007. (Edgemont50th-Banner-P6240014.jpg)

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NRAO 50th Anniversary Symposium, 2007
Four NRAO Directors at the NRAO 50th anniversary symposium, June 2007. Left to right: Fred K.Y. Lo (5th Director), Paul A. Vanden Bout (4th Director), Morton S. Roberts (3rd Director), David S. Heeschen (2nd Director). (4directors-50thSymp.jpg)

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Bob Burns and Monroe Petty, 2009
Burns_Petty-2009XXmas34.jpg – Bob Burns, long-time head of the Computer Division, and Monroe Petty, long-time HR head, at the 2009 Charlottesville Christmas party. (Burns_Petty-2009Xmas34.jpg)

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Skip Thacker Inspects ALMA Amplifiers, March 2010
Skip Thacker in the NTC LO micro-assembly lab where power amplifiers for the ALMA LO system were built and/or inspected. In this photo he is inspecting an amplifier, one of a set received from a contract assembler (note the stack of amplifiers to Skip's left). (DSC_0083.JPG)
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Bill Wireman and Bill Lakatosh, 2011
Bill Wireman and Bill Lakatosh building amplifiers for the WMAP Project, July 2011. (Wireman-Lakatosh.jpg)

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Jansky Lecture - Sandy Weinreb, 2011
Gathering for lunch with Sandy Weinreb prior to his 2011 Jansky lecture. Left to right: Art Shalloway, Gene Runion, Dave Heeschen, Ken Kellermann, Dave Hogg, Sandy Weinreb, Paul Vanden Bout, Mort Roberts. (2011Sep19LunchSandy-9_JPG.jpg)

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ALMA Correlator Lab, 2011
Bob Treacy, Chuck Broadwell, and Gareth Hunt (with Marion Pospieszalski and Sri Srikanth in the background) in the ALMA correlator lab at the NTC in 2011. (2011Sep9CorrLab26.JPG)
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Art Shalloway, 2011
Art Shalloway arrives at the NRAO Technology Center for the 2011 Jansky Lecture given by Sandy Weinreb. (2011Jansky174-Shalloway.JPG)
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