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NRAO Coronavirus COVID-19 Response > news > NRAO/GBO Update - Mon Mar 30th - New IDOS end date

NRAO/GBO Update - Mon Mar 30th - New IDOS end date

To all NRAO/GBO employees:

We have begun our third week in Infectious Disease Operating Status (IDOS). The North American NRAO/GBO instruments remain operational. IT systems are performing well.  

There continue to be state and regional changes and Executive orders, including announcement about schools. Virginia and New Mexico school facilities are closed for the remainder of the school year, with online teaching underway. West Virginia is still assessing dates for a return to school. As our IDOS assessment initially arose as a result of school closings, it is now appropriate to reconsider how long we will continue in this working mode. Today, it was decided that we will assume NRAO and GBO are remaining in IDOS until Monday, June 1st 2020, at which time I would hope that we can fully return to work, and already be well-advanced in ramping many parts of the Observatory back towards full Operations. Circumstances may change and allow us to bring forward this date, but for planning purposes I suggest you adopt this timeline. Note, additional Executive Orders from certain states (VA, NH) in recent days do not change or impact our Essential Services assessment.

While we continue to have no NRAO/GBO staff members with confirmed cases of COVID-19, there are reports of a few people experiencing similar symptoms, without any testing being available. We are more than 14 days out of the office now, so the Observatories do not appear to have caused significant spread, but we may soon see cases arising from community spread during these past two weeks (family members, acquaintances, contact or respiratory transmission). I am saddened to report that last week a parent of a NRAO staff member died from COVID-19 complications on the West Coast, so we are no longer untouched by this crisis. Over the next few weeks it is imperative you continue to practice strict social distancing, monitor and disinfect whenever possible your external interactions (necessary shopping, people visits, etc.) and carefully consider your personal role in halting the spread of the virus. In developing your strategies for social distancing and isolating yourself and your family, if there is any guidance or information we can provide to assist you, don’t hesitate to ask (please contact Jody Bolyard jbolyard@nrao.edu) or me).  If you encounter illness (you or family, tested for COVID-19 or not), please let HR know at some point so we can assess overall staff health.

Timecards went well last Friday/this morning. Many thanks.

My next note will be Friday Apr 3rd.  Any staff member with questions, concerns or comments, please contact your supervisor, Department Head, Site Director, or me. As this situation continues, new challenges will emerge and I welcome hearing from you if there is something we can help with, or you have suggestions. The website containing all our COVID support information is: https://info.nrao.edu/covid-19

I fear the news from other parts of the US over the next two weeks will be heartbreaking. We need to do our part to halt the spread of the disease, stay informed, and assist our frontline medical workers whenever and however we can.  We are incredibly fortunate to be tucked away and supported during this terrible crisis.  

Tony Beasley