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import os visfile = os.getenv('MS_FILE') workDir = os.getenv('WORK_DIR') imageDir = os.getenv('IMAGE_DIR') infoDir = os.getenv('INFO_DIR') imageID = os.getenv('IMAGE_ID') # to name the data reduction products with the same name of the ms file basename = visfile.partition('.')[0] # If the name of the ms file starts with the source name, this is a convenient way to extract sourcename = basename.partition('_')[0] # in this example, image products and data reduction information will be stored in subdirectories infoName = infoDir + '/' + basename basename = workDir + '/' + basename splitfile = basename + '.split' SourceImage = imageDir + '/' + sourcename + '_' + imageID # Calibration parameters REFANT = 'ea21' SPW = '0:5~58' GainTables = [] # Data processing begins listobs(vis = visfile, listfile = infoName + '.list') plotants(vis = visfile, figfile = infoName + '_antenna_layout.png') clearstat() flagdata(vis = visfile, flagbackup = True, mode = 'manual', scan = '1') flagdata(vis = visfile, flagbackup = True, mode = 'manual', antenna = 'ea13,ea15') flagdata(vis = visfile, mode = 'quack', quackinterval = 10.0, quackmode = 'beg') clearstat() plotms(vis = visfile, selectdata = True, correlation = 'RR,LL', averagedata = True, avgchannel = '64', coloraxis = 'field', showgui = False, plotfile = infoName + '_plotms_allscans.png') plotms(vis = visfile, field = '', correlation = 'RR,LL', timerange = '', antenna = 'ea01', spw = '0:31', xaxis = 'time', yaxis = 'antenna2', plotrange = [-1,-1,0,26], coloraxis = 'field', showgui = False, plotfile = infoName + '_plotms_datastream.png') caltable = basename + '.antpos' gencal(vis = visfile, caltable = caltable, caltype = 'antpos') GainTables.append(caltable) setjy(vis = visfile, listmodels = True) setjy(vis = visfile, field = 'J1331+3030', standard = 'Perley-Butler 2013', model = '3C286_C.im', usescratch = False, scalebychan = True, spw = '') caltable = basename + '.G0' gaincal(vis = visfile, caltable = caltable, field = 'J1331+3030', refant = REFANT, spw = '0:27~36', calmode = 'p', solint = 'int', minsnr = 5, gaintable = GainTables) GainTables.append(caltable) caltable = basename + '.K0' gaincal(vis = visfile, caltable = caltable, field = 'J1331+3030', refant = REFANT, spw = SPW, gaintype = 'K', solint = 'inf', combine = 'scan', minsnr = 5, gaintable = GainTables) GainTables.append(caltable) caltable = basename + '.B0' bandpass(vis = visfile, caltable = caltable, field = 'J1331+3030', spw = '', refant = REFANT, combine = 'scan', solint = 'inf', bandtype = 'B', gaintable = GainTables) GainTables.append(caltable) caltable = basename + '.G1' G0 = basename + '.G0' GainTables.remove(G0) gaincal(vis = visfile, caltable = caltable, field = 'J1331+3030', spw = SPW, solint = 'inf', refant = REFANT, gaintype = 'G', calmode = 'ap', solnorm = False, gaintable = GainTables, interp = ['linear','linear','nearest']) gaincal(vis = visfile, caltable = caltable, field = 'J1822-0938', spw = SPW, solint = 'inf', refant = REFANT, gaintype = 'G', calmode = 'ap', gaintable = GainTables, append = True) gaincal(vis = visfile, caltable = caltable, field = 'J0319+4130', spw = SPW, solint = 'inf', refant = REFANT, gaintype = 'G', calmode = 'ap', gaintable = GainTables, append = True) GainTables.append(caltable) alpha = log(7.53261/7.6677)/log(4663.0/4536.0) # Spectral index computed from setjy i0=7.6677 # Stokes I value for spw 0 ch 0 c0=0.112 # Fractional polarization=11.2% d0=33*pi/180 # polarization angle of 33 degrees converted to radians setjy(vis = visfile, field = 'J1331+3030', standard = 'manual', spw = '0', fluxdensity = [i0,0,0,0], spix = [alpha,0], reffreq = '4536.0MHz', polindex = [c0,0], polangle = [d0,0], scalebychan = True, usescratch = False) caltable = basename + '.Kcross' gaincal(vis = visfile, caltable = caltable, field = 'J1331+3030', spw = SPW, gaintype = 'KCROSS', solint = 'inf', combine = 'scan', refant = REFANT, gaintable = GainTables, gainfield = ['','','','J1331+3030'], parang = True) GainTables.append(caltable) caltable = basename + '.D1' polcal(vis = visfile, caltable = caltable, field = 'J0319+4130', spw = SPW, refant = REFANT, poltype = 'Df', solint = 'inf', combine = 'scan', gaintable = GainTables, gainfield = ['','','','J0319+4130','']) caltable = basename + '.D2' polcal(vis = visfile, caltable = caltable, field = 'J0319+4130', spw = SPW, refant = REFANT, poltype = 'Df+QU', solint = 'inf', combine = 'scan', gaintable = GainTables, gainfield = ['','','','J1822-0938','']) GainTables.append(caltable) caltable = basename + '.X1' polcal(vis = visfile, caltable = caltable, field = 'J1331+3030', poltype = 'Xf', solint = 'inf', combine = 'scan', gaintable = GainTables, gainfield = ['','','','J1331+3030','','']) GainTables.append(caltable) caltable = basename + '.G1' fluxtable = basename + '.fluxscale1' fluxscale(vis = visfile, caltable = caltable, fluxtable = fluxtable, reference = ['J1331+3030'], transfer = ['J1822-0938,J0319+4130'], incremental = False) GainTables.remove(caltable) GainTables.insert(1, fluxtable) fields = ['J1331+3030', 'J0319+4130', 'J1822-0938'] for item in fields: applycal(vis = visfile, field = item, gaintable = GainTables, gainfield = ['',item,'','','','',''], interp = ['','nearest','','','','',''], calwt = [False], parang = True) applycal(vis = visfile, field = '2~8', gaintable = GainTables, gainfield = ['','J1822-0938','','','','',''], interp = ['','linear','','','','',''], calwt = [False], parang = True) split(vis = visfile, outputvis = splitfile, datacolumn = 'corrected', field = '2~8') statwt(vis = splitfile) clean(vis = splitfile, imagename = SourceImage, field = '', spw = '', mode = 'mfs', niter = 20000, gain = 0.1, threshold = '3.0mJy', psfmode = 'clark', imagermode = 'mosaic', ftmachine = 'mosaic', multiscale = [0], interactive = False, mask = 'circle [ [240pix, 240pix], 120pix]', imsize = [480,480], cell = ['2.5arcsec','2.5arcsec'], stokes = 'I', weighting = 'briggs', robust = 0.5, pbcor = False, usescratch = True)